January 9, 2013
Focus On. - Ricardo D'Erizans Guanipa.-
There are many speculations that have been said about the health of President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias and his seriously ill in Cuba.
See more here.......... http://diarioenlamira.com/aseguran-desde-cuba-muerte-cerebral-del-presidente-chavez/
There are many speculations that have been said about the health of President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias and his seriously ill in Cuba.
Both Cuban and Venezuelan authorities have woven a web of half-truths mystery, Cuba is silent, while the Venezuelan government has appointed a young journalist with precarious professional background as official spokesman who had the difficult task of reporting on Chavez's health.
However, within hours of completing the six-year term of the reelected president who should take oath next January 10 to restart a new government period as required by the constitution, the National Assembly of Venezuela government majority has decided to postpone the Chavez sworn to time indefinite contradicting the constitutional mandate which would make authorities last official figures mandate without legitimacy, including the entire train ministerial and those that must be approved or removed from office by order of the President.
In Cuba, although there is no official statement on the health of Hugo Chavez, Focus On learned that on Dec. 31 last seven in the evening, senior officers were called to their home to present themselves immediately in their jobs control officers including high and medium range.
Among them, Brigadier General Eusebio Garcia, who had the urgent need to stop the celebration of the new year and in the end the celebration of the anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January 1959 when General Batista was overthrown by Cuban militants Led by Fidel Castro's guerrillas.
The General Eusebio Garcia and other officers were called to take command of their units as a result of brain death of Hugo Chavez who is treated in Cimeq in Havana.
Both Garcia and dozens of senior officers who know the reality of the health of Hugo Chavez, have been barred from returning to their homes to prevent leakage of information, so that you have nine days out of their homes by the vegetative state Chavez.
Another source consulted by Focus On Journal, said that the Venezuelan president is assisted by a ventilator that her vital signs remained stable, despite of plant death, even so, nurses and specialists Cimeq since Jan. exercise arms and legs to prevent numb muscles president, nevertheless, constantly moving his inert body position for the same purpose.
In short, the government of Venezuela has announced that Chavez was conscious and in a few weeks will return to the country to take its role and be sworn in by the Supreme Court, when in fact the brain damage is irreversible president of Venezuela and just disconnect them lack of medical equipment to give eternal peace, says the source.