By Cris Pace
Maybe it’s a reaction against my teen years where I was utterly infatuated with the X-files and all ideas that surrounded it, or maybe it’s because those plot lines made more sense than some of the crap I’m hearing now, but I find Obama conspiracy theories pointless and stupid.
Maybe it’s a reaction against my teen years where I was utterly infatuated with the X-files and all ideas that surrounded it, or maybe it’s because those plot lines made more sense than some of the crap I’m hearing now, but I find Obama conspiracy theories pointless and stupid.
Let’s run through some of them…
He was born in Kenya…he could have been born on Mars; it is still not a worse point than the fact that this man has not done a single thing to help improve the economy. Yes economies go up and down on their own and Congresses and Presidents don’t have absolute control over them, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are certain things that could have been done to reduce the severity of this recession,Obama did none of them. And even if he wasn’t eligible to run for the presidency, this absolute failure of leadership is a far greater damning point than a mere technicality.
That Barrack Obama Sr. isn’t really is his father…he could be the son of Hitler and it would still not negate the fact that every action by this president has hurt the economy. Every thing he has done with the economy has been to hurt it in the short run and hurt it in the long run. Now he could have done even worse things, but I don’t think he is doing it because he wants to ruin the economy, he and his people are just that dumb. And
incompetence of that level should never have been let in the White House, let alone re-elected, to hell with who is parents are.
That he’s really a Muslim…he could be a Satanist, it doesn’t change the fact that in reality the only thing he really does believe in is himself. The man has an ego that makes Caligula, Napoleon and Mao put together look humble. He puts portraits of himself all over the White House, he puts himself in every president’s biography, he acts like he is unbeatable and he never deigns to actually talk to people in Congress. He has written 2 biographies and he is not yet 60 or accomplished anything of value. I don’t care what religion he professes, the only god he believes in is himself. And while I don’t trust people with low self-esteem, megalomaniacal narcissists are even more worrisome and definitely should not be allowed into positions of power.
That and Rev. Jeremiah Wright planned a massive socialist take over…or maybe it was a take over by blacks…or maybe by zombies for all I care…or whoever was in his past that you want to critique…none of that compares to the insanity of his current associations. A corrupt hack as Attorney General, a jackbooted fascist as Homeland Security Secretary, an incompetent twit in HHS, a tax evading moron in Treasury, and two of the worst Supreme Court Justices ever…need I go on? This man has an inability to surround himself with qualified people. No president has ever possessed the experience and intelligence to know everything about every part of the government, but some presidents do possess the ability to find qualified people who, in turn, have the qualifications to run their section of the government. Obama has failed on every point (I mean the most qualified person he has is Hillary, how sad is that?)…and this is far more important than which church he went to for years.
That Obama is seeking to make the US subservient to the UN and is going to sign treaties that will eliminate the Constitution…uh-huh…the UN and what army? I think Obama’s idiocy on foreign policy, his stupidity in declaring the war on terror over, his supporting every Islamic government he can (not because he’s a Muslim, but because he’s an idiot who wants to not appear as being anti-Muslim…please tell me how that’s working in America’s favor), his destroying the military readiness are all more important than whoever make believe conspiracies you can think of.
That he’s really the Manchurian Candidate, planted by George Soros years ago…ummm….if he was going to make a play for absolute control, wouldn’t he have done so by now? I mean by the time the opposition has a leader to rally around any fascist type takeover becomes near impossible. This is kind of why most dictators quickly kill all their opposition…right now the right could unite around Romney, Ryan, Christie or a few others. If there was a plan to take over it’s the worst plan of all time…and more importantly I think Obama’s actual disregard and ignorance of the Constitution, as shown by his fiat rule by executive order, and his gross misunderstanding of state’s rights and limited government, are far more dangerous than any supposed communist plan.
That Obama has a gay lover…oh, like I care…there have been what four maybe five presidents in the last hundred who haven’t had a mistress or two, and it has no bearing on whether they were a good president or not. I’d worry more about his failure to uphold his Oath of Office more than whether or not he’s upholding his wedding vows.
That’s he planning a takeover of the government, ruin the economy, declare permanent marshal law, suspend elections, disband Congress, a coup d’état, yaddah yaddah yaddah…this one has to be my favorite. So I am supposed to believe that a man of unspeakable arrogance and astounding stupidity is simultaneously a villainous mastermind of such caliber that he makes Lex Luthor and Ernst Stavro Blofeld look like amateurs, that he has planned a coup and kept all the major details secret within a government so bloated and useless it can’t keep any of its departments in line. Yeah, no contradiction there. Or that a military that is not doing much to hide it’s abject dislike for Obama is going to sit by and let him take over…and that there is a gun for almost every man, woman and child in this country which pretty much prevents government takeover. You know, I’ll worry more about his absolute inability to balance a budget or even recognize that the growing debt is a problem. Obama is not a villainous mastermind bent on world conquest, he’s a buffoon well in over his head and wouldn’t know where to begin if he wanted to take over (as evidenced by his laughable campaign).
The fact of this matter is that this man’s character, intelligence and actions as president are all you need to convict him of being unfit to serve one term, let alone two.
So why is a certain part of the right so obsessed with Obama conspiracy theories and scandals when we could crucify this jackass a dozen times over on real issues. Well I think the answer is Palin Derangement Syndrome. Palin Derangement Syndrome? The habit of the media to obsess about Palin to the point where they will make crap up about her when just ignoring her would be better? Yes that. PDS is caused in fact by two things. The first one is that Palin supporters are following a dimwitted unprincipled narcissist who is good at creating a cult of personality among morons who don’t care for facts but love meaningless platitudes from a cult leader. The second is that Obama supporters are following a dimwitted unprincipled narcissist who is good at creating a cult of personality among morons who don’t care for facts but love meaningless platitudes from a cult leader. Both sides aren’t quite competent enough to trade in facts (for instance, liberals could have ripped Palin apart with conservatives for her saying in the VP debate that the solution to education problems was to throw more money at it, but as facts elude them they’d rather trade in questionable personal attacks)…the same applies to those who trade in conspiracy theories against Obama, they’re not the brightest bulbs in the box. Both parties have them. (Although you’ll notice that while they were strong enough to catapult Obama over the more qualified Clinton, they were not powerful enough to elevate their beloved Santorum.) If you put Obama and Palin in a room and they didn’t have their cults or personality backing them, the appropriate soundtrack to this moment would be “Dueling Banjoes”…but since they do have their respective cults mindlessly following them “O Fortuna” might be a more appropriate set piece.
So they attack our Cult leader with obsessive drivel, and our idiots attack their Cult leader with obsessive drivel.
Meanwhile if we don’t want to look like a bunch of buffoons, want to win the independents, and really want Obama out of office. Let’s be honest here, Obama has only ever won two elections. A Senate race against Alan Keyes and a Presidential race against John McCain. Quite frankly you could have run sock puppets against Keyes and McCain and they would have won. We’ve got a great candidate this time, let’s not ruin it by sounding like a bunch of dimwitted Democrats more concerned with rumor and conspiracies than with reality and facts.
Focus on the issues. Focus on the failures of the last 4 years. Focus on Romney’s superb record of intelligence and leadership.
Focus on those three things and we win. Focus on birth certificates and ancient friendships and outdated statements and we lose. I’d like to win this time as we can’t afford another 4 years of this dimwitted jackass.
See more of Cris Pace here ................
You are so right but unfortanely we have a bunch of buffons who are only interested in the next program and a cold beer. The cult people will follow their leader and destroy America.