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By Evelio Perez |
To Tea Party America, I need to get something off my chest so let me start by saying that I am a Mitt Romney supporter and a former member of the Tea Party. I am also a strong social, fiscal and foreign policy conservative and am not wishy-washy on any of these core principles.
I believe in a strong America with sovereign borders and the rule of law, I believe in the sanctity of marriage, and I believe in protecting innocent unborn life.
But why are we even talking about a tea party and what happened that we even needed to rebel against our own government?
We were BAMBOOZLED, that's why ! After a collapse of the banking system and a disastrous recession for many, the Democrats were swept into power, the were led by a charismatic and inexperienced Community Organizer named Barrack Hussein Obama, whose call for hope and change connected with the majority of the American people giving him a chance to really do something great and historic for this country.
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Pres. Barack Obama |
People all around America were losing their jobs, inflation was starting to hit the grocery shelves, their bank accounts cleaned out and many were losing their homes, all this while their President, ignorant of their plight kept on spending. While the country was burning President Obama was often found on the golf course and many times he would take his family around the world on lavish family vacations costing millions to the already suffering national debt. We were being abused and ignored!
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Rick Santelli |
The thought of a Tea Party was growing and coming to fruition, it was going to represent a huge block of dissatisfied and very angry Americans who felt that they were being used and ignored.
We had folks from all walks of life, we had http://evelio-perez.blogspot.com/ and people from all ages, races and religions, we finally have had enough and were ready to fight to get our country back.
The true beauty of this great idea was that it had no leaders, it was a true grassroots movement of desperate people calling for true representation in our government.
But something happened on the way to saving this country, some self-proclaimed leaders of the Tea Party have decided to purify the movement and start defining their own ideals of their perfect America.
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One of these groups, Freedom Works decided that first victim of their cleansing would be the "Mormon" Mitt Romney, his religion was just so un-Christian and evil that he just didn't belong, so they promoted anti-Romney rallies, branded him a Liberal and a flip-flopper with the ultimate goal to destroy the good name of this good and decent man.
In their infinite wisdom to define their vision for their new Tea Party, they not only made the Republican front-runner Mitt Romney, Persona Non-Grata but managed to alienate, ostracize and insult almost half of the original and authentic Tea Partiers and Romney supporters, they have literally told them to go take a hike.
But for Pete's sakes, why aren't we going after the people that are hell bent on destroying our way of life, are they not our real enemy?
Why are some of you trying to destroy The Tea Party movement that we all believed in?
Some self described leaders of The Tea Party Organizations like Freedom Works, Red State, Free Republic, along with leading conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin have begun defining to their millions of listeners who should belong to this very elite group. One of these groups ( Red State ) have gone as far as to ban Mitt Romney supporters from giving their opinion on their web page!

1) Herman Cain, an accused sexual harasser of women with absolutely no clue on foreign affairs........Really?
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Newt and Nancy, Really? |
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Where's Waldo? |
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Ron Paul, Isolationist |
5) John Huntsman, was President Obama's Chinese ambassador, and was for a universal health care mandate before he was against it...... .... ( never mind )
6) Rick Santorum, endorsed Sen. Arlen Specter and later endorsed Mitt Romney for President back in 2007......... Really?
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Bachmann hiding at gay rally |
8) Tim Pawlenty, a strong fiscal and social conservative, once considered a front-runner now not only endorses Romney but is co-chairman of the Romney campaign.
9) Chris Christie, The Tea Party faithful were begging and screaming for the Governor to get in the race, but he decided against it and enthusiastically endorsed Mitt Romney..........Yes really!
So let's sum it all up, the new Tea Party would rather back an inexperienced accused sexual harasser, a womanizer, an isolationist and an anti-Semite, a former Al Gore Democrat, a global warming and an Obama Care advocate, all who have proven to be major flip-floppers throughout their political careers, over a true conservative Mormon of whom CNN"s Pierce Morgan called the cleanest politician in America? Really?
As I write this I feel ashamed and betrayed and have come to the realization that the Tea Party no longer speaks for me. Some of you have become a scourge and an embarrassment to true conservatives who still believe in good moral and ethical values.
Instead of gaining status and respect with conservatives, you are losing the battle for the minds of the average American who can see bigotry when it's right in front of them.
This was never about what a few of you wanted, it was about what we all wanted and somewhere down that path, some of you lost your way.
So it's your party and you don't want us to come? O.K. we won't, but just don't expect us to come back when you need us........... Romney / 2012
See more of Evelio Perez here ........... http://evelio-perez.blogspot.com/
So it's your party and you don't want us to come? O.K. we won't, but just don't expect us to come back when you need us........... Romney / 2012
See more of Evelio Perez here ........... http://evelio-perez.blogspot.com/
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