By Cris Pace
Recently I’ve been hearing from all sides things like, “Romney isn’t specific enough about what he’s going to do” “I don’t know what he would do in office” “He needs to be more clear about his plans” “he’s doing well for someone who hasn’t articulated a plan yet.” I’ve heard it from the right, from the left, from the far right, from the far left, on Beck, on O’Reilly, on Blitzer, Maddow, Matthews, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, RealClearPolitics, DrudgeReport. From pundits I love, from pundits I have no feelings about one way or another, from pundits I loathe with a fiery passion. You name a media outlet I will show you someone who said Romney doesn’t have any specifics just vague generalities.
Are you people living in a goddamn cave? A sensory deprivation chamber? The darkness of space, where no one can hear Mitt Romney’s extensive plans?
Ignoring that his speech can get pretty detailed…spoken words are imperfect…let’s look at the written record,
This man has more specific plans the media knows what do with. So rather than critique him on points, they just say he’s lacking specifics.
namely Have you been, because it’s not your typical campaign website. Typical campaign websites, even Obama’s, are a half-dozen or so issues, most of them covered by a paragraph or two with a general statement of goals, and maybe one or two pages with two or three more pages of detail for the really important things.
And then there is Mitt Romney. This is the CEO of Bain. The Savior of the Salt Lake Olympics. The guy who balanced the Massachusetts’s budget without raising taxes. This is not only a guy who gets things done, he gets them done because he plans out what he is going to do.
And this kind of shows you why of the hundred deals Bain did, Obama can only find a few that were failures. This man plans for EVERYTHING.
26 Topics! And he didn’t just put a paragraph in each…no, I think he hired a Russian Novelist to fill these pages up.
Let’s for instance go to the Jobs and Economic Growth page…
Not only does he have a link to a 5 page pdf that explains the 5 bills he will send to Congress on his first day and the 5 executive orders he will sign literally seconds after finishing the inaugural address (hell he might actually sign them during)
How many Presidents do you know who has 5 bills and 5 executive orders ready to go day one?
But that’s not all…on that same page you have a link to the 160 page plan of Romney’s for the Economy called “Believe in America.” Let me say that again 160 pages of details of what caused our problems, what Obama did wrong and pages 31-153 of how Romney is going to fix the problem. And if you read it, it becomes pretty clear that this is the combined work of CEO’s and economists that know what they’re doing. “But I don’t have time to read 120 pages of plans” bitch the same people who claim that he’s not specific. Well lucky for you there is an Appendix of the 59 specific things he’s going to do. But you don’t know what he’s going to do to you…he only gave you 59 specifics.
But it gets better.
Want to know about foreign policy?…well, where Obama’s got one page of vague generalities Romney’s got pages on every section of the world…
…plus a page that lists ALL of Romney’s advisors on foreign policy and their qualifications. I’ll admit I don’t know the names of most of these people…but from the lists of credentials and experience this is a who’s who of foreign policy experience. Do you know who’s advising Obama…probably not, as he devotes only a page to economics and a page to defense. Ooooh…two whole pages for the most important issues facing the nation at this point.
Romney also has an impressive list of judicial advisors… as opposed to the crack team of Obama’s that gave us Sotomayor and Kagan, possibly the two most incompetent justices in the history of the Court, save Earl Warren.
Romney also has an impressive list of judicial advisors… as opposed to the crack team of Obama’s that gave us Sotomayor and Kagan, possibly the two most incompetent justices in the history of the Court, save Earl Warren.
There are over 670 blog posts by Romney supporters and advisors,30 articles written by Romney himself, nearly 800 press releases, and32 video . Yeah, that’s a real lack of information from Romney.
As for most of the other pages, they follow a pretty specific format. They list basic principles, describe what Obama is doing wrong, and give SPECIFICS on what Romney will do. Don’t believe me, go read for yourself.
I mean how can that compare to Obama’s eight whole issues (one of them a made up issue) with pages full of nothing…oh and there’s pandering to a lot of different minority groups. They spend more time telling you about Michelle’s life than they do on how they’re going to fix the economy. But remember it’s Romney who is short on specifics. Oh, and Obama has a button that says “Espanol” (let’s forget that speaking fluent English is a requirement for naturalization…so exactly which legal voters aren’t speaking English?) Clearly Romney is the candidate who is just dealing in platitudes and vagaries, changing his talking points with the wind. Clearly.
So when you get a moment, drop by and actually read some of the stuff there. I know that sounds boring, but you really should. Because if you do you will realize that not only is the comment that he doesn’t have specifics is insane as saying 2+2=5 (yes there are some lack of specifics where it comes to things that will actually be the purview of Congress to work out the details, but that would mean that Romney actually understands how laws are made, unlike Obama who thinks he rules by fiat).
Now, you can tell me that you don’t think Romney is being honest in what he says, you can tell me that you think his plans won’t work, but please stop this bullshit about him not having specifics.
See more of Cris Pace here............
See more of Cris Pace here............
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