Sunday, February 5, 2012

The delegates don’t add up for Newt

 is a great reference for all your delegate allocation questions.
After some brief consultation, I noticed that CA, NY, MD, DE, CT, MT, UT, PR, NJ,  and VA are all either strictly winner-take-all or winner-take-all if the winner gets a majority.
That’s 500 delegates in the bag for Mitt, right there.
He has about 100 delegates so far, and is projected to have about 250 by Super Tuesday. So just based on those numbers, Mitt already basically has 250 + 500 = 750 delegates in the bank for all intents and purposes. 1144 are needed. That means Mitt has a mere 400 delegates to find elsewhere to clinch the nomination. This is not going to be a problem.
Now, let’s look how it stacks up for Newt:
Not a single Newt-friendly state is winner-take-all except AL and MS. IN is a bit confusing as to how delegates are allocated, but my money’s on Mitt there regardless.

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