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By Evelio Perez |
Oh yes, it's the same party that four years ago turned their backs on the American people that trusted and elected them.
As much as I liked President George W. Bush, he and the Republican party as a whole really blew it with the American people, they simply stopped listening to the screaming masses of desperate citizens that wanted a real Conservative change. From insulting over-spending of moneys we just didn't have to the perverts masquerading as conservatives. The inadequate representation of our leaders led to the lack of defense of our moral and religious rights to the constant attacks of our conservative values, we couldn't even control our own borders!
We were ridiculed, patronized and made to feel unimportant, and in the end the "we know better than you crowd" of our party gave us an unwanted candidate in John McCain. It was us who facilitated our defeat, and the rise of American Socialism. Simple as that!
With George Soros's help and the American people's dissatisfaction of Republican handling of our government and promises of hope and change, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of The United States. Since duping many Americans into voting for him, President Obama has shown his real radical intentions in which he is hell bent on reshaping our country into his idealistic Socialist model. The once proud Democratic Party of Thomas Jefferson has not only been infiltrated but has been taken over by Soros and his far left fanatics, their radical Socialist agenda is on it's way to making America vulnerable to our enemies by tearing us down from within.
Folks, as painful as it may be, we just can't afford to do business as usual anymore in Washington, we need to fix what seems to be unfix-able and do what has to be done.
We must do more than just like our candidates, we must be sure that they are qualified and be ready, willing and able to do what they have to do, regardless of the consequences.
We now have an outstanding and completely capable conservative candidate in Mitt Romney who I believe is willing to do what it takes, even if it costs him re-election four years down the line.
We now have an outstanding and completely capable conservative candidate in Mitt Romney who I believe is willing to do what it takes, even if it costs him re-election four years down the line.
In November, we are going to have to unite and throw all the bums out, clean house and get them out of there. We must do our homework and we must do it well.
We have one last chance to get this country back on tract to the way our founding fathers intended and the Republican Party better get the message, this may be their last chance to get it right because if they fail us again, they might not get another chance....................
The Lefts Top Ten Reasons To Not Vote for Mitt Romney
1. Rich, successful, self-made businessman. (Dad didn’t give him a handout he and Ann had to make it on their own)
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been FAITHFUL to her. (Unlike John Edwards, Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, all three Kennedy’s and practically every one else in politics!)
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can’t speak in a fake southern black preacher voice when necessary or Slo jam on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, or sing Al Green songs.
5. He doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He knows the real meaning of giving service to his fellow man and quietly shows it in his everyday life.
6. Has pots of money (made it all himself) and since nobody else in this country has any desire to have pots of money… we don’t like him!!!
7. Has a wonderful family of great boys… none of them are in drug rehab or are deadbeat dads.
8. Doesn’t smoke (even in secret), drink alcohol, or do drugs (not even in college, where other people were NOT inhaling)
9. Represents an America of “yesterday”, where people believed in God, went to Church, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS! (We can’t relate to that anymore.)
10. Oh yes… he’s a MORMON. The religion where its member walk the walk of Christ, that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, honest, upright and MORAL! No we don’t need a president like that.
The Lefts Top Ten Reasons To Not Vote for Mitt Romney
1. Rich, successful, self-made businessman. (Dad didn’t give him a handout he and Ann had to make it on their own)
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been FAITHFUL to her. (Unlike John Edwards, Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, all three Kennedy’s and practically every one else in politics!)
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can’t speak in a fake southern black preacher voice when necessary or Slo jam on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, or sing Al Green songs.
5. He doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He knows the real meaning of giving service to his fellow man and quietly shows it in his everyday life.
6. Has pots of money (made it all himself) and since nobody else in this country has any desire to have pots of money… we don’t like him!!!
7. Has a wonderful family of great boys… none of them are in drug rehab or are deadbeat dads.
8. Doesn’t smoke (even in secret), drink alcohol, or do drugs (not even in college, where other people were NOT inhaling)
9. Represents an America of “yesterday”, where people believed in God, went to Church, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS! (We can’t relate to that anymore.)
10. Oh yes… he’s a MORMON. The religion where its member walk the walk of Christ, that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, honest, upright and MORAL! No we don’t need a president like that.
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